Assets Manager

Upload and manage your digital assets (SVG, PNG, PDF, JPEG, Video, etc...) with a well-organized built-in asset library for quick access.


Need permissions on your Assets?

With the Asset Manager, users can easily upload and reuse image assets across multiple content pieces, significantly simplifying the process of applying visuals. The interface is designed to be easy to use, enabling editors and content creators with limited technical knowledge to manage image assets efficiently.

Users can view who uploaded image assets and filter by image formats within Contentrain.


Organize your Assets in one place

Asset Manager provides a user-friendly for users to upload images or other assets directly to their GitHub storage without leaving the platform. When inviting a user, you can set precise control over permissions on your image assets in Assets Manager.

The interface is designed to be easy to use, enabling editors and content creators with limited technical knowledge to manage image assets efficiently.

Users can view who uploaded image assets and filter by image formats within Contentrain.


Future updates for Asset Manager

Future updates will improve capabilities of Assest Manager such as image alt text edit, image format conversion, image scaling and image cropping within the Asset Manager.


Explore & experience everything you’ll need from a CMS tool

All the great features that development and content teams need while working together on your digital product.


Contentrain provides a playground for large-scale content teams to group different types of projects with separate workspaces.

Assets Manager

Upload and manage your digital assets (SVG, PNG, PDF, JPEG, Video, etc...) with a well-organized built-in asset library for quick access.

Content activities & releases

Track every project action with Activities, simplifying management and collaboration on your content team with full oversight.

Serverless Collections

With the Serverless Platforms Contentain now gains the ability to manage dynamic data without API or Bandwith needs

Custom Roles & Permissions

Optimize project management in Contentrain with custom roles: create special permissions and define your team for efficient collaboration

Content Schema Builder

With the new low-code content schema builder, developers can create their ultimate content structure without hassle.