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Use Contentrain as your CMS for marketing sites, personal blogs, knowledge bases, and beyond. Discover pricing options tailored to your needs.

Annually Save 25 %Monthly


$0per month
  • Free for public Repositories
  • Community projects and modals
  • Discord community support
  • Up to 2 locales per project

No credit card required *


Most Preferred
$79per month
  • Public and private Repositories
  • Project users and system roles
  • Serverless collections
  • Assets Management


$239per month
  • Workspace Collaborators
  • Project users and custom roles
  • Email support (in 48 hours)
  • In app branch management


Are you an enterprise business? Let’s talk and get hands-on support, premium features, and limitless possibilities with the business plan.

  • End to end service
  • White label
  • On - premise support
  • Custom SLA

Want to see more?

Compare plans from all perspective

Annually Save 25 %Monthly
Developer $0 per month
Lite $79 per month
Professional $239 per month
3 Unlimited
Community Projects
Project Roles
Admin Editor User Admin Editor User Custom Roles Admin Editor User Custom Roles
Project Users
3 10 Unlimited
Serverless Collections
Serverless Resources
1 3 Unlimited
Branch ManagementManual management Manual management Auto PR creation Manual management Auto PR creation In App Merge PR Manual management Auto PR creation In App Merge PR Customizable Merge / PR
In App Branch Management
SupportDiscord community Discord community Email support (in 48 hours) Live support
WorkspacesUnlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
ProjectsUnlimited - Public Unlimited - Public/Private Unlimited Unlimited
1 3 Unlimited
Content Monitoring
ModelsUnlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Saved Models
Community Models
Projects LanguagesDefault + 1 Default + 3 Default + 5
White label
Scheduled Content
Assets Manager
Migration Service
On Premise