
Contentrain provides a playground for large-scale content teams to group different types of projects with separate workspaces.


Organize your workspaces

Group your projects within workspaces to efficiently organize and categorize your content workflow. Workspaces allow you to separate your projects, offering privacy for client or agency-specific work. This organizational tool helps streamline your process, ensuring each project is easily accessible and distinct from others.

For users subscribed to the Lite or Professional plans, inviting collaborators into your workspace is an option to enhance project management. This feature facilitates sharing the workload, thereby increasing productivity on projects. By collaborating within a shared workspace, you and your team can contribute to the project's success, making the development process more efficient and collaborative.


One-Click Workspace navigation

You can create unlimited workspaces in all packages, allowing for unparalleled flexibility in how you manage and organize your projects. Viewing your workspaces, switching between them instantly, and creating new ones can be effortlessly done at any moment.


Connect your git accounts

Synchronize your organizational or individual GitHub accounts with your workspace in a few clicks. You can sync your private or public repositories depending on your subscription.


Explore & experience everything you’ll need from a CMS tool

All the great features that development and content teams need while working together on your digital product.


Contentrain provides a playground for large-scale content teams to group different types of projects with separate workspaces.

Assets Manager

Upload and manage your digital assets (SVG, PNG, PDF, JPEG, Video, etc...) with a well-organized built-in asset library for quick access.

Content activities & releases

Track every project action with Activities, simplifying management and collaboration on your content team with full oversight.

Serverless Collections

With the Serverless Platforms Contentain now gains the ability to manage dynamic data without API or Bandwith needs

Custom Roles & Permissions

Optimize project management in Contentrain with custom roles: create special permissions and define your team for efficient collaboration

Content Schema Builder

With the new low-code content schema builder, developers can create their ultimate content structure without hassle.